Tag: Christianity

Read a story I wrote when I was 20

Way back when I was in my last semester at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, in the fall of 1979, a friend of mine, Rick Hamill, spearheaded a literary magazine which ended up being called …and a story, the name deriving from the fact it was all poetry except for one short story–mine. I’ve had that little magazine …

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Pondering perfection in an imperfect post

Here’s a rather metaphysical question for you: why do we strive for perfection? Cold logic tells us that perfection is impossible. As a writer, I know perfectly (sorry) well that I will never in my life write something perfect. In fact, I know logically that it’s impossible to even define what a perfect piece of …

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Jesus was on to something (well, duh!)

According to the Mayo Clinic, forgiveness is good for your health: Holding a grudge appears to affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In one study, people who focused on a personal grudge had elevated blood pressure and heart rates, as well as increased muscle tension and feelings of being less in control. When asked to …

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Jesus was on to something (well, duh!)

According to the Mayo Clinic, forgiveness is good for your health: Holding a grudge appears to affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In one study, people who focused on a personal grudge had elevated blood pressure and heart rates, as well as increased muscle tension and feelings of being less in control. When asked to …

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Sermons from my father

When I posted my eulogy for my father, James Lee Willett, for Father’s Day, I neglected to provide one important link: many of Dad’s sermons are online as MP3 files. You can download them here. My previous post reminded me!

The Quraneyeens

The Big Pharaoh, an Egyptian blogger, writes about the arrest and imprisonment of members of a group I’d never heard of before: The Quraneyeens. Here’s his explanation of what they believe: They’re Muslims who believe in the Quran, and only the Quran. In traditional Sunni Islam, religious jurispudence and law are mainly derived from two …

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My father would be pleased

You know the Bible 100%!   Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses – you know it all! You are fantastic! Ultimate Bible QuizCreate MySpace Quizzes (Via Marturia.net.)

"Poland ponders giving Jesus an earthly realm"

Says the CBC: A move is underway to make Jesus Christ the honorary king of Poland, the country’s influential Rzeczpospolita newspaper reported on Wednesday. I wonder how that plays with those of a pre-millennial apocalyptic bent, like the guys who wrote Left Behind?

The Shroud of Turin

  In medieval times, Holy Relics did boffo box-office. Saints’ finger bones–even entire saints–and pieces of the One True Cross drew the kinds of crowds most CFL teams would envy. Eventually, however, people noticed there were enough pieces of the One True Cross floating around to build a house, and holy relics fell into disrepute–all …

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