Well,no, now that you mention it, I haven’t blogged today. That’s because I spent a large portion of the day in transit from Regina to
Banff, where I’m attending the Writing With Style workshop in writing science fiction and fantasy being led by Robert J. Sawyer at the Banff Centre.
This is the second time I’ve been part of this workshop. The last time was two years ago, and I felt a bit shortchanged because I was frantically trying to finish my children’s biography of the Ayatollah Khomeini at the time, and thus spent my days immersed in his life rather than in writing fiction. This time I’m deadline-free (or, rather, such deadlines as I have are comfortably far in the future), so I hope to get the full workshop experience.
This evening was given over to an enjoyable reception (hey, free beer and wine!) at which all but one of the writers in Rob’s workshop were present. (There are also workshops being conducted in poetry writing and memoir writing–I’m not sure how many of those writers were present.) We begin the workshop proper in the morning with an orientation session, then the first critiquing session.
I don’t know how much I’ll post about the workshop, per se, but just know that any posts you read this week will be from Banff. I’ll soon be adding pictures to prove it!