It’s been a while since my last novel (The Tangled Stars came out in late 2022), but I’m pleased to say I’ll have a new novel out this summer. This one is a middle-grade/YA modern-day …
Last night, I had the privilege of performing one of my favourite Christmas songs, “O Holy Night,” for Westhill Park Baptist Church’s Christmas Eve service. And here’s my performance! I hope you enjoy it. Also, …
Andy Philp, host of The Philp Side on CJTR Community Radio here in Regina, asked me to record “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore (better known by it’s first line, “‘Twas the …
The Kickstarter to support three of the titles Shadowpaw Press is publishing this fal, two science fiction novels and one fantasy, funded at $1,805 of the $1,500 CDN goal. Thanks to everyone who kicked in! …
It takes money to publish books, and most of that money flows out the door before the book is released and sales begin, so my publishing company, Shadowpaw Press, turned to Crowdfundr to help ensure …
Well, I did it again: led the Seven-Sentence Short Story workshop (created by science fiction and fantasy author James van Pelt) at a writing conference, this time, Wordbridge in Lethbridge, Alberta. Here’s the story I …
Story coming out in Dark Wisdom
Dark Wisdom: The Magazine of Dark Fiction, Issue 11, is “now at the printer” and includes a short story by me entitled “The Wind.”
I’m pleased but somewhat surprised by this development, since I emailed the magazine a couple of times trying to find out the status of the story: it was accepted, but the magazine is coming out way past the time I expected to see it.
I never had a reply. I’m presuming that since they’re publishing the story, I’ll get paid it for shortly thereafter…
Nice cover…if you like that sort of thing.
Which I do.
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