What I Just Read: City of Ashes

I actually finished City of Ashes, the second book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, the week before last, but then I headed out of town to join the Canadian Chamber Choir and haven’t had a minute to post about it until now.

It continues to hold my interest with plot twists, great action scenes, and lots of humor. I still get Buffy-vibes off it, but that’s not a bad thing, necessarily–I liked Buffy.

I guess the other thing it reminds me of a bit are the Dresden Files books by Jim Butcher. Again, not a bad thing.

I’ll keep reading as the books keep appearing. (The next one, City of Glass, is due out in March.) If angsty (though not annoyingly so) teens fighting demons appeals to you, you’ll enjoy this series, too.

Permanent link to this article: https://edwardwillett.com/2008/10/what-i-just-read-city-of-ashes/

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