I’m signing at Chapters in Regina today

Come down to the Chapters by the Southland Mall in Regina today from 2 to 4 p.m.; I’ll be signing Terra Insegura (and Marseguro, too, probably).

Also, I could use the company. It’s a very odd thing sitting at a table in a bookstore signing books. The looks you get range from the curious to the uninterested to the slightly-embarrassed-for-you. And you can have the oddest conversations with people who figure they’ve got a captive audience at last…

Permanent link to this article: https://edwardwillett.com/2009/05/im-signing-at-chapters-in-regina-today/


    • Sharon E on May 23, 2009 at 8:14 pm
    • Reply

    Captive audience sounds good to me! Today I was overseeing Artist Trading Cards at the Cathedral Village Arts Festival. (was I their captive or were they mine?) Next week I will act like an agent and manage the throng for you at Book & Brier. Didn’t know you were getting a throng, did you? See what a local agent can do? See?

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