Quill & Quire likes Twist of the Blade

Twist of the Blade for WebQuill & Quire, “Canada’s Magazine of Book News and Reviews,” gives Twist of the Blade a great review (Q&Q liked Song of the Sword, too, in its original version):

Regina-based author Edward Willet offers a satisfying second instalment in his Shards of Excalibur series, a modern-day fantasy based on the legend of King Arthur…

Twist of the Blade offers an enticing sense of danger and excitement as Ariane pursues her mission, but the narrative doesn’t shy away from the story’s human elements…It’s refreshing to read a story in which the heroes and villains are not cut-and-dried, and readers can look forward to three more instalments in this genuinely entertaining myth-based series.

Read the whole thing.

Permanent link to this article: https://edwardwillett.com/2014/08/quill-quire-likes-twist-of-the-blade/

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