But even before that, I’m open to submissions for Shadowpaw Press’s Reprise imprint of rights-reverted, previously published books by authors who (like me) may have had novels or nonfiction orphaned by the collapse of one or more publishers, and would be interested in new ebook and print-on-demand editions, to keep the work alive in the marketplace.
And, yes, many authors self-publish those kinds of back-catalogue works, but not every author is comfortable with or interested in climbing the learning curve necessary to self-publish. I’ve learned a lot putting out the books Shadowpaw Press has already released, and so I’m interested in helping out other authors. This isn’t fee-for-service or hybrid publishing: this is a royalty-based, traditional-publishing model. No cost to accepted authors, and an author-friendly contract.
If you’re an author and have a book to which rights have reverted that you’d be interested in seeing back in the market, and would like to submit it for possible publication by Shadowpaw Press, email me at publisher@shadowpawpress.com and we’ll talk.
And watch for submissions for new works to open later this year, if all goes well!