Category: Books

Announcing Endless Sky Books, my new publishing services company

To start off the new year, I’m officially announcing the launch of my second publishing company, Endless Sky Books. Whereas my first publishing company, Shadowpaw Press, is and always will be a traditional publishing company, one where authors pay nothing to be published and all money I receive is from the sale of books, Endless …

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New omnibus ebook edition of The Shards of Excalibur series

For the first time, you can now buy the entire Shards of Excalibur series in a single omnibus ebook! Just released by Shadowpaw Press, this includes the latest editions of the books, and costs only half as much as buying all five ebooks separately! Available on Amazon (and soon everywhere else) or directly from Shadowpaw Press. …

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Now available: my 12th novel for DAW Books, The Tangled Stars

The Tangled Stars, my far-future humorous space opera from DAW Books, is now available everywhere in ebook and audiobook (narrated by Wayne Mitchell). For an introduction to the main characters, check out “Thibauld’s Tale” in Shapers of Worlds Volume II, the second of the anthologies I’ve Kickstarted featuring authors who were guest on my podcast, …

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Cover of Shapers of Worlds Volume III

Shapers of Worlds Volume III now available!

Shapers of Worlds Volume III, the third anthology I’ve Kickstarted that features science fiction and fantasy by authors who were guests on my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, has now officially been released upon the world. This handy link provides links to many sources of the ebook, paperback, and hardcover: You can also get …

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Authors talk about their Shapers of Worlds anthology stories

At When Words Collide 2022, one of the panels I led featured a handful of the many authors whose stories have appeared in the Shapers of Worlds anthologies I Kickstarted (and who have also, of course, all been guests of my podcast, The Worldshapers) and published through Shadowpaw Press. Here’s that panel, featuring Heli Kennedy, …

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Complete Masks of Aygrima trilogy now available in audiobook format

It’s taken a while, but Faces, the third book in the Masks of Aygrima triolgy, is coming out in audiobook firnat to join the audiobooks of the first two, Masks and Shadows. All are produced by Recorded Books. Links below are to, but the audiobooks are available everywhere: Audible, Kobo, Apple, etc. Elizabeth Morton narrates the …

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Star Song and The Worldshapers shortlisted for Aurora Awards

I’m pleased to announce that I’m a finalist for two Aurora Awards this year. Star Song is a finalist for the Best Young Adult Novel Award, while my podcast, The Worldshapers, is a finalist, for the third time in four years, for Best Fan Related Work. It won the award in 2019. This is the …

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Kickstarter for Shapers of Worlds Volume III succeeded!

Each of the past two years I’ve successfully Kickstarted an anthology featuring authors who were guests of my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, where I talk to other science fiction and fantasy authors about the creative process (check out the sidebar for the most recent episodes). Well, I did it again! The Kickstarter for the …

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Shadowpaw Press Reprise open for submissions of previously published work

But even before that, I’m open to submissions for Shadowpaw Press’s Reprise imprint of rights-reverted, previously published books by authors who (like me) may have had novels or nonfiction orphaned by the collapse of one or more publishers, and would be interested in new ebook and print-on-demand editions, to keep the work alive in the …

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Read the introduction to Shapers of Worlds Volume II

With Shapers of Worlds Volume II, the second anthology I’ve Kickstarted that features guests from my Aurora Award-winning podcast The Worldshapers, now available everywhere, I thought you might enjoy reading the introduction I wrote for it. Again, Shapers of Worlds Volume II features brand-new stories from Kelley Armstrong, Marie Brennan, Garth Nix, Candas Jane Dorsey, …

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Now available: Shapers of Worlds Volume II

Shapers of Worlds Volume II, the anthology I Kickstarted earlier this year featuring short fiction by authors who were guests during the second year of my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, is now available pretty much everywhere, in ebook, trade paperback, and hardcover. Use this handy universal URL, or order directly from Shadowpaw Press, which …

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Read the first two chapters of my new YA science fiction novel Star Song

Available directly from Shadowpaw Press or get it now from your favorite vendor! Read the first two chapters My newest novel is a young adult science fiction adventure in the style of Robert A. Heinlein and Andre Norton, published by Shadowpaw Press. Let me take you back in time . . . It’s October 1985. I’m 26 years …

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