Tag: crowdsourcing

FUNDED! Kickstarter for Shapers of Worlds Volume V succeeds

This year’s Kickstarter to fund Shapers of Worlds Volume V, the fifth in the series of anthologies featuring science fiction and fantasy by authors who were guests on my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, succeeded, reaching 118% of the $12,000 goal–$14.266. That means this year’s anthology, featuring stories by Brad C. Anderson, Edo van Belkom, J. …

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SHAPERS OF WORLDS VOLUME IV fully funded: new supplementary Crowdfundr campaign for illustrations now running!

The Kickstarter campaign for Shapers of Worlds Volume IV for the fourth annual anthology featuring some of the top writers of science fiction and fantasy working today, all of whom were guests on my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, succeeded, topping out at $15,504 (the goal was $12,000). That means the book is a go! Shapers …

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