Tag: Helen Kubiw

CanLit for Little Canadians likes Cave Beneath the Sea

Helen Kubiw at the excellent CanLit for Little Canadians site has been a fan of The Shards of Excalibur from the beginning, and she likes Cave Beneath the Sea quite a lot: In Cave Beneath the Sea, Edward Willett has created as exciting a read as the earlier books in the series, continuing to develop his characters and their …

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Great reviews for Twist of the Blade and Lake in the Clouds from CanLit for Little Canadians

Starting off 2016 right, Twist of the Blade and Lake in the Clouds both picked up excellent reviews, one after the other, at the excellent CanLit for Little Canadians site. Of Twist of the Blade, Helen Kubiw writes: “While Edward Willett continues to weave the Arthurian legend into a Saskatchewan setting, he builds on the Merlin, …

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