Tag: poems

A review of Line Dance. Apparently I have a sense of humour. Who knew?

Here’s the first review I’ve seen of Line Dance, the collection of poems that resulted from…well, I’ll let the reviewer explain, because I’m tired of typing various versions of this: Each weekday during Poetry Month in April, Hill [Poet Laureate Gerald Hill] e-mailed SK Writers’ Guild members a pair of first lines he’d selected from SK …

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Hear me read a Hallowe’eny poem

Looking for something both poetic and Hallowe’eny? (And who isn’t?) The Science Fiction Poetry Association has a page of audio files of SFPA members reading their Hallowe’en-related poems–and it includes a file of me reading “He Really Should Have Written,” one of the poems I wrote for Poet Laureate Gerald Hill’s “First Lines” project back …

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Two songs from The Dragonslayer

Many years ago I took it into my head to turn a short story of mine, “The Dragonslayer, “into one-act stage musical, intended for high schools. In brief, it was about a teenager who was a whiz at killing dragons when playing Dungeons & Dragons, who gets called into an alternate world to deal with …

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