Tag: publishing

Two new titles from Shadowpaw Press!

On May 7, I was in Calgary for the joint book launch of the first two titles of the Shadowpaw Press Spring/Summer list, The Downloaded by Robert J. Sawyer and The Traitor’s Son by the late, great Dave Duncan. Both are now available everyhwere, as well as, of course, directly from Shadowpaw Press. Here’s more …

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Announcing Endless Sky Books, my new publishing services company

To start off the new year, I’m officially announcing the launch of my second publishing company, Endless Sky Books. Whereas my first publishing company, Shadowpaw Press, is and always will be a traditional publishing company, one where authors pay nothing to be published and all money I receive is from the sale of books, Endless …

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Shadowpaw Press Reprise open for submissions of previously published work

But even before that, I’m open to submissions for Shadowpaw Press’s Reprise imprint of rights-reverted, previously published books by authors who (like me) may have had novels or nonfiction orphaned by the collapse of one or more publishers, and would be interested in new ebook and print-on-demand editions, to keep the work alive in the …

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Funded and coming soon: Shapers of Worlds Volume II

The Kickstarter to fund Shapers of Worlds Volume II, a new anthology featuring writers who were guests during the second year of my podcast, The Worldshapers, has successfully funded, raising a total of CA $16,862, 112% of the goal of $15,000. When it’s published this fall by Shadowpaw Press, Shapers of Worlds Volume II will feature new …

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Shapers of Worlds in the flesh

Today I received my copies of the Kickstarter backers’ edition of Shapers of Worlds. The book is beautiful! The ebook, again, comes out September 22 from all major retailers, while the commercial print release is November 14. Here are some order links for the ebook version. At the moment, the only place you can pre-order …

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Announcing Shadowpaw Press

Like many authors, I’ve got a few projects that I’d like to get out into the wide world for which I do not have a publisher handy, and so I am turning to my own publishing resources–something far easier to do today than ever before. Rather than simply self-publish, however, I’ve decided to go the …

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Giving imagination free rein: Sheila Gilbert of DAW Books

I’m jumping the gun a little bit here, since Freelance hasn’t come out yet, but here’s my upcoming “Space-Time Continuum” column for the Saskatchewan Writers Guild magazine–an interview with my editor and publisher, Sheila Gilbert, nominated once again this year for a Hugo Award for Best Editor, Long Form. As a teenager looking for science …

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The Shards of Excalibur series gets a new publisher

I’m thrilled–maybe even ecstatic–to announce that my five-book modern-day fantasy series with Arthurian overtones, The Shards of Excalibur, has been picked up by a new publisher, respected Regina literary press Coteau Books. I originally sold Song of the Sword, the first book in the series, to Lobster Press, and it came out a couple of …

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The tangled tale of how my YA fantasy Spirit Singer was born, died, and is being resurrected

Let’s step into the wayback machine, and set it for the turn of the century… In that long-ago time, ebooks were in their infancy. There were dedicated ebook-reading devices, but practically nobody had them. (Although I did: a Hiebook. Read a lot of David Weber on it through Baen’s free ebook library.) There were ebook …

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The science of ebooks vs. print books

[podcast]http://edwardwillett.com/wp-content/uploads//2011/10/Ebooks-vs-Print-Books.mp3[/podcast] Once upon a time, the word “book” meant only one thing: a stack of paper printed with text and bound together along one edge. These days, though, the word “book” has developed two meanings. You can still read a bound-stack-of-paper book, but you can also read a book without ever touching anything that was …

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The Space-Time Continuum: In praise of Locus

Here’s the latest of my SF/fantasy columns for the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild’s magazine Freelance. *** For most of the world, Charlie Brown is only a beloved cartoon character with a round head. But for those immersed in the science fiction and fantasy genres, Charlie Brown was also the nickname (though he hated it) of Charles …

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Lynn Viehl’s The Devil’s Writing Dictionary: Part 1

Lynn Viehl, who has previously graced us with The Devil’s Publishing Dictionary, now offers The Devil’s Writing Dictionary Part I. Lots of great entries, but since I’m working (okay, technically I’m blogging at the moment, not working, but you know what I mean) on the revisions for Terra Insegura, the ones that struck me were: …

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