Tag: Shapers of Worlds

Available now: Shapers of Worlds Volume IV

Shapers of Worlds Volume IV, the fourth anthology featuring authors who were guests on my podcast, The Worldshapers, is now available everywhere, including directly from Shadowpaw Press. Here’s a handy universal URL with links to multiple sources. When it launched on January 23, it was, for a while, the #1 release on Amazon in Science …

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New books from Shadowpaw Press

My publishing company, Shadowpaw Press, has three great titles coming out in the first two months of 2024, all of them science fiction or fantasy. The first two, The Good Soldier by Nir Yaniv and Shapers of Worlds Volume IV, release on January 23, with The Headmasters by Mark Morton releasing two weeks later, on …

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SHAPERS OF WORLDS VOLUME IV fully funded: new supplementary Crowdfundr campaign for illustrations now running!

The Kickstarter campaign for Shapers of Worlds Volume IV for the fourth annual anthology featuring some of the top writers of science fiction and fantasy working today, all of whom were guests on my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, succeeded, topping out at $15,504 (the goal was $12,000). That means the book is a go! Shapers …

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Cover of Shapers of Worlds Volume III

Shapers of Worlds Volume III now available!

Shapers of Worlds Volume III, the third anthology I’ve Kickstarted that features science fiction and fantasy by authors who were guests on my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, has now officially been released upon the world. This handy link provides links to many sources of the ebook, paperback, and hardcover: books2read.com/shapersofworlds3 You can also get …

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Authors talk about their Shapers of Worlds anthology stories

At When Words Collide 2022, one of the panels I led featured a handful of the many authors whose stories have appeared in the Shapers of Worlds anthologies I Kickstarted (and who have also, of course, all been guests of my podcast, The Worldshapers) and published through Shadowpaw Press. Here’s that panel, featuring Heli Kennedy, …

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Kickstarter for Shapers of Worlds Volume III succeeded!

Each of the past two years I’ve successfully Kickstarted an anthology featuring authors who were guests of my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, where I talk to other science fiction and fantasy authors about the creative process (check out the sidebar for the most recent episodes). Well, I did it again! The Kickstarter for the …

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Read the introduction to Shapers of Worlds Volume II

With Shapers of Worlds Volume II, the second anthology I’ve Kickstarted that features guests from my Aurora Award-winning podcast The Worldshapers, now available everywhere, I thought you might enjoy reading the introduction I wrote for it. Again, Shapers of Worlds Volume II features brand-new stories from Kelley Armstrong, Marie Brennan, Garth Nix, Candas Jane Dorsey, …

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Now available: Shapers of Worlds Volume II

Shapers of Worlds Volume II, the anthology I Kickstarted earlier this year featuring short fiction by authors who were guests during the second year of my Aurora Award-winning podcast, The Worldshapers, is now available pretty much everywhere, in ebook, trade paperback, and hardcover. Use this handy universal URL, or order directly from Shadowpaw Press, which …

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Funded and coming soon: Shapers of Worlds Volume II

The Kickstarter to fund Shapers of Worlds Volume II, a new anthology featuring writers who were guests during the second year of my podcast, The Worldshapers, has successfully funded, raising a total of CA $16,862, 112% of the goal of $15,000. When it’s published this fall by Shadowpaw Press, Shapers of Worlds Volume II will feature new …

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Shapers of Worlds now available in both print and ebook

The Shapers of Worlds anthology, featuring 18 stories by authors who appeared on my podcast, The Worldshapers, during the first year, and successfully Kickstarted back in March, is now available in both print and ebook. Specifically: Shadowpaw Press | The Fantastic Worlds of Edward Willett | Kobo | Chapters/Indigo | Apple Books | Google Play | Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Barnes & Noble Once more, here’s …

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Shapers of Worlds in the flesh

Today I received my copies of the Kickstarter backers’ edition of Shapers of Worlds. The book is beautiful! The ebook, again, comes out September 22 from all major retailers, while the commercial print release is November 14. Here are some order links for the ebook version. At the moment, the only place you can pre-order …

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Sneak peek: back cover copy for Shapers of Worlds

Things are moving quickly now for the Shapers of Worlds anthology coming from Shadowpaw Press, which I successfully Kickstarted earlier this year: it features original fiction and reprints from some of the authors who were guests during the first year of The Worldshapers podcast. All stories are edited, the layout is done, the proofreading is …

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