Tag: the first sentence I wrote today

The first sentence I wrote today…

…for Blue Fire: He came in alone, leaving the guards in the hallway outside, and closed the door gently behind him. Words today: 2,138 Total thus far: 46,788 And, yes, I worked on Magebane, too. Didn’t take any new photos today, but here’s a nice sunset photo from the other day! (All of these photos …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

…for Blue Fire: And then the gate to the inner city opened, and what he saw drove all other thoughts from his head. Words today: 1,998 Total thus far: 44,650 I’m officially past the 200th page of the manuscript, if it were printed in standard manuscript format, which of course it has not been and …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

…for Blue Fire was: The much-diminished caravan of Freefolk Clan Diannan had only been on the road for an hour the next morning when the attack came. Words today: 2,277 Words thus far: 42,652 A good morning’s work. I’m getting close to 200 manuscript pages on this story. I think it’s going to need considerable …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

…for Blue Fire was: Imlinn stood on the Freefolk trail leading north toward City Duodecim and studied the tracks he had found there by the light of the stars. Words today: 2,068 Total thus far: 40,381 Good writing this morning, as a scene I hadn’t even realized I needed came to life and both told …

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The first sentence I wrote yesterday…

…was for Blue Fire, as usual: “Follow the Freefolk,” Morran had told Illinen, and since the Freefolk moved every day, that meant he had to leave the Warren the very next night. Words yesterday: 1,886 Total thus far: 35,102 People kept asking me what I did for my birthday. Well, I wrote, of course, what …

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The first sentence I wrote yesterday…

…or, if you want to get really picky about it, the day before yesterday, since I’m blogging this after midnight, was for Magebane: But when he glanced over his shoulder, the light reflected in diamond points from the tossing wavelets, until it ended in utter blackness where the shore met the water. Words Saturday: 1,238 …

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The first sentences I wrote yesterday…

From Blue Fire: “You think he might still be alive?” Words yesterday: 2,052 Total thus far: 33,214 From Magebane (yes! I’m moving forward again!): The mysterious figures still waited there in the dark. Words yesterday: 873 Total thus far: 33,638

The first sentence I wrote yesterday…

…was, again, for Blue Fire: Amlinn slept through the night without waking and only found out about the Nightdweller patrol when she went to breakfast in the morning. Words yesterday: 1,252 Total thus far:  31,162 Not sure they were very successful words: my writing session, at the Atlantis coffee shop (see yesterday’s view-while-I-wrote photo, above) was …

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Two days of writing! Photos! More excitement than you can shake a stick at!

I failed to post yesterday’s First Sentence I Wrote Today, which means now I have two, two, two sentences to post! Most of the new verbiage (also some nounage, and a bit of adjectivage–I try to be sparing with the adverbiage) was on Blue Fire.  Yesterday’s first sentence was: Illinen crouched in the darkness outside …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

…was for Blue Fire: It wore a scrap of green cloth as a shift and had yellow yarn for its hair. Words today: 2,234 Total thus far: 25,390 I didn’t do any writing over the weekend of the sitting-at-the-keyboard variety, but after I woke up on Saturday morning but before I actually got out of …

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The first sentences I rewrote today…and another photo!

I finished rewriting the bit of Blue Fire that needed it and will be pressing on to greener writing pastures. In fact, I made a start, so today from Blue Fire I have both a first sentence I rewrote and I first sentence I wrote. Will the excitement never end? First, the first sentence I …

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The first sentences I rewrote today…now with bonus photo!

…will appear momentarily, but first, a picture. This is where I worked on Magebane this afternoon–if you look close, you can see some of it on the computer screen. It’s the Spike Lounge at the Wascana Country Club. Not as odd a choice as you might think: it’s usually quieter than a coffee shop, the …

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