Tag: middle-grade

New middle-grade/YA novel coming in July: Fireboy

It’s been a while since my last novel (The Tangled Stars came out in late 2022), but I’m pleased to say I’ll have a new novel out this summer. This one is a middle-grade/YA modern-day fantasy called Fireboy. The cover is by Saskatchewan artist Dwayne Wingert. Here’s the blurb: Here’s the blurb: “I knew things …

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Saturday Special: The First Two Chapters of The Haunted Horn

For this week’s Saturday Special, the first chapter of the YA/middle-grade ghost story The Haunted Horn, which I’ve just released to Kindle (other ebook formats and eventually print to follow). It’s set in Arkansas, where I went to university, although Searcy bears only a passing resemblance to the Oak Bluff of the story (although both …

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