Tag: typos

Football overtakes flying reindeer…

…as seasonal search terms start to fade among those bringing people to edwardwillett.com. Here are the top 15 as of today, with links to where they lead: 35 physics of football 0.9% 35 how to make french fries 0.9% 28 flying reindeer 0.7% 27 hamoukar 0.7% 25 wine glasses 0.6% 24 time perception 0.6% 24 …

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Nominated for the Giller…

…but full of errors. I have sympathy for both the author and the proofreaders–Lord knows I make plenty of my own errers…er, errors…but these seem particularly blatant. The proofreaders certainly shouldn’t have missed them, but the author should have caught them himself when he read the galleys.

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