Writing Diary: December 16, 2004

I’m not sure how I got away from writing my daily writing diary, but since only about 10 people a day visit this blog, I don’t suppose anyone was overly concerned.

Still, the writing diary isn’t really for my supposed readers, but for myself: a reminder to neither tear myself down for not doing enough or to boast that I’ve done too much. I’m usually somewhere in the middle.

So, today, actual writing was somewhat limited. I had to prepare some “scientific” comments to insert into the lyrics of Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!, which I’ll be singing on CBC Radio’s Afternoon Edition tomorrow. I also did another chunk on the current rewrite of Excalibur Reforged. This is my third or fourth time through–I’ve lost track. I’m trying to clean things up so there aren’t any huge inconsistancies with the way I’ve decided the magic, etc., works. This required a fair amount of new material today, and I anticipate some more in the future. Which probably means I’ll need at least one more time through the whole thing before I’m really ready to start shopping it to agents–plus, I need to map out, at least roughly, the shape of the whole series to follow. But I’m generally feeling pretty good about the story!

Things are going to get slow over Christmas, but come the New Year, I’ll have my work cut out for me, with a big book on genetics, a little book on being prepared for fires, and a medium-sized book on the history of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists in Saskatchewan–or, more accurately, a history of engineering accomplishments in the province.

No rest for the wicked, as my mother used to say…

Permanent link to this article: https://edwardwillett.com/2004/12/writing-diary-december-16-2004/

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