Tag: humor

The Devil’s Writing Dictionary, Part 2…

…has now made its appearance at Lynn Viehl’s site. A couple of more selections I like as I continue revisions to Terra Insegura: Novel: a rambling, proportionally disorganized fictional prose narrative of considerable length (usually 60,000 words or more) that typically possesses some semblance of a plot (unless literary, see Literature) that is presented in …

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Lynn Viehl’s The Devil’s Writing Dictionary: Part 1

Lynn Viehl, who has previously graced us with The Devil’s Publishing Dictionary, now offers The Devil’s Writing Dictionary Part I. Lots of great entries, but since I’m working (okay, technically I’m blogging at the moment, not working, but you know what I mean) on the revisions for Terra Insegura, the ones that struck me were: …

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I found this amusing…

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

The 2008 Ig Nobel Prizes

It’s October, which means not only that I am now getting up in the dark, but that it is time for the Ig Nobel Prizes, given annually by the Annals of Improbable Research “For achievements that first make people LAUGH then make them THINK” (apparently IN CAPITAL LETTERS). The 2008 prizes were handed out last …

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They also write who only sit and wait

So yesterday I sent off two sample chapters and a synopsis to my agent, Ethan Ellenberg, for a new young adult fantasy tentatively titled Blue Fire. Now I’m waiting to see if he thinks it’s in good shape to start submitting to publishers, or if he thinks I should work on it a bit more. …

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Ray Bradbury and prunes

An unlikely combination? You’d be surprised! (I was.) Via James Lileks:

The most boring headline in my RSS feeds today:

Statement by the American Egg Board and Egg Nutrition Center on AJCN study on egg consumption Just one glimpse almost about made me keel over face down and snoring on the keyboard.

This just in…

Novelists Strike Fails To Affect Nation Whatsoever

I’m I, Robot. What book are you?

You’re I, Robot!by Isaac Asimov While you have established a code of conduct for many generations to follow, your demeanor is rather cold and calculating. Brought up to serve humans, you have promised never to harm them, to follow orders, and to protect yourself. Living up to this code has proved challenging and sometimes even …

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Shield your eyes, or you’ll go blind:

It’s an entire blog devoted to awful (unbelievably awful) Swedish album covers. Because somebody‘s got to make sure these things aren’t allowed to slink quietly into the dank mists of history… (Via ColbyCosh.com.)

The 2007 Ig Nobel Prizes

Download the audio version.Get my science column weekly as a podcast. Every fall the leaves fall from the trees, and the Ig Nobel Prizes fall from on high (well, from the magazine Annals of Improbable Research) upon the grateful—usually—heads of researchers whose achievements “make people laugh—then think.” My favorite this year (probably because I read …

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2007 Ig Nobel Awards presented

It’s Ig Nobel time again. This year’s winners include the U.S. military for its plans to make a “gay bomb,” research into the use of Viagra to help hamsters recover from jet lag, and a medical study of the risks of sword swallowing. (Via New Scientist.) See my post at Futurismic–and next week’s science column!