Tag: Janis Joplin

The first sentence I wrote Sunday…

The members of the band didn’t think Simon understood their music. Janis Joplinning, still… 5,137 words today. I’m sick of the 1960s.

The first sentence I wrote Saturday…

Janis wrote in her scrapbook, “For awhile it was Country Brother and the Holding Fish.” Number of words today: 3,520. I’m not sure how many are left to go.

The first sentence I wrote today…

Darby Slick of the Great Society, who saw Big Brother play in late July, said, “It was nearly impossible not to stare constantly at her. She pranced, she strutted, she shrieked, she whispered. The word of mouth was, a star is born.” Janis Joplinning continues…

The first sentence I wrote today…

Jack Smith said, “I mean she got so straight, people didn’t like being around her! She was downright dull.” Focusing on Janis Joplin still…

The first sentence I wrote today…

…had nothing to do with the new novel. I’m now concentrating on finishing up my children’s biography of Janis Joplin, which is what this is from: She arrived home in Port Arthur in May, 1965, and, wrote her sister Laura, “We welcomed her with open arms.” I should have this out of the way by …

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