Tag: Janis Joplin

Saturday Special from the Vaults: Janis Joplin: Take Another Little Piece of My Heart

Another Enslow book, Janis Joplin: Take Another Little Piece of My Heart tells the story of another ’60s rock star who died at age 27–within just a few weeks of Jimi Hendrix’s death. Since I also wrote biographies of Johnny Cash and Andy Warhol for Enslow, I spent several months kind of stuck in the …

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Like, wow, man: "White Rabbit" Star Trek

Classic Trek scenes set to Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit”. Jimi and Janis would both approve. (Via SF Signal.)

My Janis Joplin bio arrives!

Today I received my author’s copies of Janis Joplin: Take Another Little Piece of My Heart, the biography I wrote for Enslow Publishers. Another book out–the first of five or six bearing my name that should appear this year. Here’s the back copy: Born in Port Arthur, Texas, Janis Joplin spent much of her adolescence …

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Cover of my Janis Joplin book

As I noted in the previous post, my children’s biography of Janis Joplin, Take Another Little Piece of My Heart, will be out from Enslow Publishers as part of their American Rebels series sometime this year (currently, Amazon says May). I just discovered the cover art has now been posted on Amazon, and here it …

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Back and looking forward

As you may have noticed, blogging has taken a back seat to other activities recently while I was acting in Beauty and the Beast up in Saskatoon, but I’m settling back into a regular home routine again and ready to start off a new year of Hassenpfeffering. And it’s looking to be quite the year. …

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Cover of my Janis Joplin book

As I noted in the previous post, my children’s biography of Janis Joplin, Take Another Little Piece of My Heart, will be out from Enslow Publishers as part of their American Rebels series sometime this year (currently, Amazon says May). I just discovered the cover art has now been posted on Amazon, and here it …

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Back and looking forward

As you may have noticed, blogging has taken a back seat to other activities recently while I was acting in Beauty and the Beast up in Saskatoon, but I’m settling back into a regular home routine again and ready to start off a new year of Hassenpfeffering. And it’s looking to be quite the year. …

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Looking ahead to 2008…

…it appears I will be writing two more books for Enslow‘s American Rebels series, for which I wrote the Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin biographies: one on Johnny Cash and one on Andy Warhol. Should be fun! Now I should really finish the two pending Enslow books I have to write…

On the premature popping-off of pop stars

Download the audio version.Get my column as a podcast. *** I recently spent a several months in the 1960s. Of course, about 40 years ago I spent a whole decade in the 1960s, but since I was a pre-teen the whole time I definitely fall into the “if you can remember the ’60s, you weren’t …

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For those keeping score at home…

…I finished my Janis Joplin biography for Enslow Publishers Monday and emailed it in the same day. Yesterday was mostly a science column-and-revising-Untitled Science Fiction Novel day. More revising today (I’m up to about page 80 of almost 500–still a long way to go–and I’ve already added 3,000 words. Gulp.). Boring stuff like cleaning my …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

There are two sides to the legacy of Janis Joplin. I finished the bulk of the book today and am now doing clean-up work on it (adding subheads and breaking some stuff in sidebars, putting in the supplemental material–timeline, bibliography) etc. This evening was the official launch of A Safe and Prosperous Future: 100 Years …

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The first (non-science column) sentence I wrote today…

On April 4, Janis performed in a reunion concert with Big Brother.3,792 words on the Janis Joplin bio today, and the end is in sight; I should be polishing it up tomorrow and submitting it Wednesday at the latest. I probably would have finished it today, except, of course, this was a science column day. …

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