Tag: Robert Michaels

My review of Robert Michaels’s concert with the Regina Symphony Orchestra…

…was in yesterday’s Regina LeaderPost. It begins: It’s a cliche, after a concert on a chilly Saskatchewan night, to say something about the performer heating things up inside despite the world outside having turned prematurely white. But if there were ever a performer to whom that cliche was perfectly suited, it would have to be …

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A preview of Flamenco Fire, the Regina Symphony Pops concert featuring guitarist Robert Michaels

My preview of this Saturday’s Flamenco Fire Regina Symphony Orchestra Shumiatcher Pops concert, featuring guitarist Robert Michaels, is in today’s Regina LeaderPost. It begins: For every form of music there are purists who say of certain practitioners, “That’s not really (whatever form of music they’re a purist in).” Guitarist Robert Michaels admits Flamenco purists might …

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