Well, I blogged up a storm yesterday, and added nothing today until now. Such is bloglife.
A rather disjointed day, writing-wise. This was Radio Dell’Arte day on CJTR, and today, as noted, we played the Arrogant Worms and talked about science fiction. Fun, but also non-paying.
I walked to the studio but got a ride back, then took my spouse to work (she’d needed the car in the morning), and went to Second Cup for today’s fiction-writing effort…where I discovered that I did not wish to continue Death Tide, that in fact the ending as currently outlined sucks big-time and stinks to high heaven of Tolkien Did It Better Than You Ever Will, You Faker, and…well, suffice it to say I decided it’s about time I finally did the long-overdue rewrite of Assignment: Avalon, which I envisioned as my first adult SF book years ago and then more-or-less abandoned. I’ve never had anything I thought really fit in with Baen’s line, though, and it just might, so…it deserves a chance.
The Science Centre project continues to languish. Did a bit, though, and I think maybe I’ve finally (after two-plus false starts) got a handle on it. Tomorrow and Friday I’ll try to polish it off; I promised it for this week.