Tag: alternative medicine

God–or somebody–really does answer prayer, study suggests

From Science Blog: Does God or some other type of transcendent entity answer prayer? The answer, according to a new Arizona State University study published in the March journal Research on Social Work Practice, is “yes.” David R. Hodge, an assistant professor of social work in the College of Human Services at Arizona State University, …

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Due to a mix-up, the Regina Leader Post failed to run my science column last week. Which means they’re running it this week. Which means I didn’t write a new one this week. Instead, I offer a blast from the past (five years ago) that came to mind because I’ve been poking around the amazing …

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The curious case of Dr. Carefoot

Bob McDonald, director of membership and legal services for the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan,, recently tipped me to the strange case of a Dr. Carefoot, disciplined by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Saskatchewan in the 1920s for diagnosing and treating patients using an Abrams Machine. “A …

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