Tag: editing

High-school writers’ magazine I edited now online

windScript, the magazine of writing by Saskatchewan high school writers that I edited for the Saskatchewan Writers Guild this year, is now online in PDF format. Check out the whole thing, but here’s what I wrote as the introduction: Writing is an act of courage. It takes courage to try to turn your thoughts and …

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Self-contradictory headline:

“Study: Abstinence doesn’t delay sex.” Hint to headline writers: even though you’ve got limited space, there are certain words you cannot leave out. Like the subject of the sentence, for example. In this case, “abstinence” is actually an adjective modifying the word “programs.” Leave out “programs” and abstinence becomes the subject of the sentence itself, …

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"So, how did it go?"

I’m sure that’s the question you’re dying to ask about my telephone conversation with my editor at DAW, Sheila Gilbert, earlier today. It went very well…it also went on for an hour and a half and produced five single-spaced pages of notes. I now have a couple of months to rewrite the whole thing and …

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Marseguro update

I’ve finally heard from Sheila Gilbert at DAW regarding my new book (which she refers to as Marseguro, so maybe that actually will be the title); she’s going to call tomorrow to discuss some editorial revisions (a few things that need “fleshing out” and some “points we need to discuss for clarification”). Wish me luck! …

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December 20: Deadline!

For those who recall (what? you didn’t take notes?) that today is the deadline for my new novel for DAW to be turned in, and are wondering whether I in fact made the deadline, the answer is…yes and no. Yes, I wrote the book and just this morning reached THE END on the revision. So …

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Nominated for the Giller…

…but full of errors. I have sympathy for both the author and the proofreaders–Lord knows I make plenty of my own errers…er, errors…but these seem particularly blatant. The proofreaders certainly shouldn’t have missed them, but the author should have caught them himself when he read the galleys.

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