Nice review of Marseguro in Neo-Opsis

This review by Dr. Robert Runte has been out for a while (in Issue #13 of Neo-Opsis) but I didn’t see it until yesterday.

Runte has some problems with the book’s pacing (he thinks it’s too slow to get going and suffers from a bit of info-dumpitis in the early chapters), but still has some good things to say, which, of course, are the things I’ve chosen to excerpt below:

Marseguro, due out from DAW in February, concerns the conflict between a lost colony of humans genetically modified for their ocean world, and an Earth ruled by a theocracy intent upon purifying the human race by eliminating all such “distortions” of the “sacred human genome”. Never content with simplistic depictions of good guys verses bad, Willett examines the ethical dilemmas inherent in total war from the viewpoint of four different characters, two of whom are forced to reevaluate their initial assumptions about who is the real enemy…

As the stakes continually rise, the protagonists have to constantly up their game to overcome yet greater obstacles and confront yet more profound ethical issues…As in Lost in Translation the characters have to confront their prejudices, overcome their justifiable hatreds, examine their loyalties and — even more clearly in this book – Willett seems to suggest that triumph ultimately belongs to the characters who able to experience the most growth. The winners are those who are able to place others over self, whereas the losers are undone by their core selfishness. In Willett’s universe, karma counts…

In the end, Willett delivers the edge-of-your-seat, action-packed adventure novel I had been anticipating.

I’d point you to the whole review, but it’s not online. Why not buy a copy of Neo-Opsis instead? Better yet, subscribe!

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    • Janet on January 23, 2008 at 10:26 pm
    • Reply

    Don’t look now. You have been tagged.

    If you break the chain, nothing whatsoever will happen to you. You have been warned.

    • Janet on January 23, 2008 at 9:01 pm
    • Reply

    Congratulations! When did you say you were dropping in to sign a copy? ;o)

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