Another online interview…

…this time with Casey at The Bookish Type.

It begins:

What inspired you to write The Shards of Excalibur? Have you always had an interest in Arthurian legend?

I have always had an interest in things Arthurian, or at least since I read T.H. White’s The Once and Future King as a kid, followed up with Mary Stewart and any number of other retellings since. But what inspired The Shards of Excaliburwasn’t initially my interest in the Arthurian legends, but a very specific place: Wascana Lake, the man-made lake in the heart of Regina where Ariane sees the staircase descending into the water and meets the Lady of the Lake for the first time. I live near Wascana Lake and have for 20 years, so I’m often walking around it. One day I was particularly taken with a heavy mist turning golden in the morning light, and thought, “It looks mystical. Anything could be hidden in that mist.” And then I thought, “Well, why not?”

Read the whole thing.

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