Tag: politics

Media bias and the U.S. presidential election

Michael Malone nails it. I don’t recognize good journalistic practices as I was taught them as a journalism student in the 1970s in most of the political coverage I read. It depresses and angers me. At least I’m not alone.

Margaret Atwood: nice essay, shame you screwed up the ending

Lots of people (just today, for some reason) are pointing me to Margaret Atwood’s essay in the Globe & Mail last week attacking Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s comment on arts funding. Naturally the people pointing it out see as a masterful bit of skewering of the Prime Minister. I think she hurt her cause among …

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I’m still in the middle!

I haven’t taken one of these politica compass tests for a while, so I thought I’d take a stab at this one and see if I’m still right in the middle of the political spectrum. You are a Social Moderate(55% permissive)and an… Economic Moderate(50% permissive)You are best described as a: Centrist Link: The Politics Test …

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A political rant we can all get behind

Everyone’s ranting about politics today, it seems, so I guess I should, too. But since my range of acquaintances runs from gay socialist actors through libertarian atheist science fiction writers all the way over to conservative fundamentalist preachers, all of whom just seem to assume that all the Right People agree entirely with their positions …

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"Critical Times for Critical Thinking"

Here’s a rather depressing essay that ties in with my post about high school debate ruining my blogging career. As Elizabeth Scalia asks: “How can significant issues be tackled when a culture of cynicism and relativism has destroyed appreciation for the truth?”

"Critical Times for Critical Thinking"

Here’s a rather depressing essay that ties in with my post about high school debate ruining my blogging career. As Elizabeth Scalia asks: “How can significant issues be tackled when a culture of cynicism and relativism has destroyed appreciation for the truth?”

"Critical Times for Critical Thinking"

Here’s a rather depressing essay that ties in with my post about high school debate ruining my blogging career. As Elizabeth Scalia asks: “How can significant issues be tackled when a culture of cynicism and relativism has destroyed appreciation for the truth?”

How high school debate ruined my blogging career

Occasionally I’m tempted to make some strong political statement on this blog, but I usually avoid it for one simple reason: I was a high school debater, and a pretty good, one, too. (I placed high enough in the Open category in provincials my Grade 12 year to advance to nationals, except that provincials were …

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How high school debate ruined my blogging career

Occasionally I’m tempted to make some strong political statement on this blog, but I usually avoid it for one simple reason: I was a high school debater, and a pretty good, one, too. (I placed high enough in the Open category in provincials my Grade 12 year to advance to nationals, except that provincials were …

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Research shows conservatives are nicer than liberals

I work in the arts, so I’m surrounded by people who (often without giving it much thought, I suspect) would call themselves politically liberal (usually, at least based on their Facebook profiles, “very liberal”). Myself, I’m more a middle-of-the-road distrustful-of-extremes kind of guy (and I have the test results to prove it!). If there’s one …

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Never talk about religion or politics

At a dinner party in Litchfield, Conn., Publisher’s Weekly reports: As entrées were being enjoyed, a McCain supporter and an Obama supporter, having exhausted their verbal arguments, lunged at each other with fists flying. Eventually the kitchen staff came to the rescue and separated the two men, but not before some blood was shed and …

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O, Canada…

…you’re in trouble now. As of yesterday afternoon, I’m officially a Canadian citizen. And that means (ominous musical chords) I can vote! Bwa-ha-ha! At last I can exercise my evil plan to subvert Canada to my hard-line middle-of-the-road position, one vote at a time!

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