On Saturday I attended a book launch at the Regent Park branch of the Regina Public Library, and no, it wasn’t for one of mine: it was for Only One Round: One Couple’s Journey to Living the Good Life, by Steve and Reneé Wallace. I was thrilled to be asked, because Steve and Reneé were among the 75 or so writers I advised during my nine months as writer-in-residence at the Regina Public Library from last fall until last spring, and the first of all those, as far as I know, who have made the leap from manuscript-I-scribbled-on to published book.
They were very generous in thanking me for my help with the book and even gave me a free copy. It’s their personal guide to living the good life: or perhaps more accurately, their guide to help people discover what a “good life” is for them and work to achieve that goal for themselves–one of their main points is what constitutes “the good life” isn’t the same for everyone, but that everyone can achieve their personal good life if they go about it systematically.
They wrote the book primarily for their daughters, but got to thinking that others might also enjoy and benefit from it, and I agree. I recommend it to you, and I also recommend them. You can find Steve and Reneé on-line (and order the book) at www.livingthegoodlife.ca, or buy the book by mail for $19.95 (Can.) plus $3 shippping/handling per book by sending a money order to Wallpro Enterprises, 168 – 918 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4R 2P7. If you’re interested in hiring Steve and Reneé as speakers for your next event, you can email them at renee.goodlife@sasktel.net.
I hope I’ll yet see other published books by the authors I met with during my writer-in-residency. I’ll let you know if I do!