While the most recently released book is always the one that generates the most reviews (although reviews for Masks have slowed tremendously since it first came out), older books can still spark reviews at unexpected intervals, and recently a couple of reviews popped up for some of my older books. Outworlder Reviews picked up The …
Tag: Terra Insegura
Some reviews of The Helix War
The Helix War is a first for me, being an omnibus of two previously published books, Marseguro and Terra Insegura. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect in the way of reviews, except I figured there wouldn’t be quite as many of them. And, so far, that’s certainly been the case. But there have been …
Nominations open for Aurora Awards for best Canadian science fiction and fantasy: Magebane eligible!
Nominations are now open for the Prix Aurora Awards, presented annually by the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA) for the best in, you guessed it, Canadian science fiction and fantasy. I was fortunate enough to win an Aurora in Montreal in 2009 for Marseguro (that’s me holding the award, flanked by Betsy Wollheim, …
Cover art: The Helix War
I was in San Diego last week for the World Fantasy Convention, and had a great chat with my editor at DAW, Sheila Gilbert, during which she revealed the cover art for The Helix War, the omnibus of Marseguro and Terra Insegura coming out April 3. And now I share it with you! The art …
Coming in April: The Helix War
I had a phone call recently from my editor at DAW Books, Sheila Gilbert, letting me know that DAW wants to bring out an omnibus edition of Marseguro and Terra Insegura in April 2012. We batted around titles and settled on The Helix War. It’s still a ways until April, but lo and behold, I …
What’s in a name?
It’s not exactly a secret, since I’ve been telling everyone everywhere for some time, but my next book from DAW, the fantasy novel Magebane, will not be appearing under the name Edward Willett, but under a pseudonym, Lee Arthur Chane. This is a first for me, though it’s pretty common; some writers have several pen …
Night Owl Reviews calls Terra Insegura “a very good read”
It’s always nice to see a positive review of a book, even if said book has been out for a year and half, like Terra Insegura. Today a new review popped up at Night Owl Reviews, where reviewer Lilyraines writes: I found the book to have an intriguing take on genetic modification and what could …
Terra Insegura on recommended book list for Australia’s MS Readathon Novel Challenge
I have no idea if this is a big deal or not and I frankly can’t imagine how my book ended up on it, but ego-Googling popped this up today: Terra Insegura is one of 10 books on the “Buff Your Brain” recommended reading list for the “Novel Challenge” fundraising effort of MS Australia. Someone …
Terra Insegura is an Aurora Award finalist!
Just heard this morning that Terra Insegura, my sequel to last year’s Aurora Award-winning science fiction novel Marseguro, is a finalist for this year’s Aurora Award for best science fiction or fantasy novel in English. Sounds like they had a record number of nominations, too, so that makes it even sweeter. The other finalists are …
A reminder about Aurora Award nominations
The deadline for nominating works for a Prix Aurora Award is fast approaching. Today is the day when mail-in ballots must be postmarked by, and the deadline for online nominations is February 15. The Aurora Awards, for the best Canadian works of science fiction and fantasy, are nominated and voted on by fans. Any Canadian …
The World in the Satin Bag picks Terra Insegura’s cover as best of 2009
Blogger Shaun M. Duke, who really liked Terra Insegura, has chosen its cover, by Stephan Martiniere, as the winner of his award for best cover of 2009. I agree with him, of course. It really is a terrific cover. Shaun writes: The artwork for Terra Insegura is stunning, as are all of Martiniere’s paintings. A big plus …