Tag: McNally Robinson

Mentors and mentees mingle at McNally Robinson

Some time ago I was selected to be one of the mentors for the Saskatchewan Writers Guild‘s first Online Youth Mentorship Program. I enjoyed it very much. I worked with three young writers, Danita Stallard of Estevan, James Waldner of Biggar, and Arnav Jatukaran of Regina. I had at least one face-to-face meeting with all …

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Post-signing post

Well, that went pretty well. McNally-Robinson did indeed have Lost in Translation (already signed, though, since I signed their entire stock on my last trip up here), A Safe and Prosperous Future and Genetics Demystified on hand. I signed two or three books and talked to several school librarians, so it was all good. And …

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Signing in Saskatoon

So here I am at the Saskatoon Inn, due to go down in a couple of hours and take part in an Author Signing Coffee House as part of the Saskatchewan School Library Association Conference getting underway here, along with lots of other Saskatchewan writers: Rebecca Grambo, Byrna Barclay, Dave Glaze, Linda Aksomitis, Rod MacIntyre, …

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Back from the reading

I had a pretty good turnout tonight at McNally Robinson here in Saskatoon for the reading from my book A Safe and Prosperous Future: 100 years of engineering and geoscience achievements in Saskatchewan. The local Cosmopolitan Club came out en masse, and a few others showed up as well (including some people I went to …

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I’ll be reading in Saskatoon Monday…

…at 7 p.m. at McNally Robinson Bookstore. This visit is to promote A Safe and Prosperous Future: 100 years of engineering and geoscience achievements in Saskatchewan. I’ll probably be reading the chapter on Saskatoon’s bridges, in honour of the location. The reading will take place in the Prairie Ink restaurant attached to the bookstore. I …

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And…I’m back

The reading went fine, but the best part of the evening was on my way out of the lobby. I stopped at the front desk to ask the young woman there if she would call me a cab. Which she did. I was carrying Lost in Translation, of course, and she noticed it and said, …

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I’ll be reading in Saskatoon tomorrow night, January 24…

…at McNally Robinson Bookstore, from Lost in Translation. 7 p.m. If you’re in the vicinity, come say hi! To my astonishment, I just discovered yesterday that McNally Robinson chose to put my picture (the same one you see over there in the left sidebar) in their ad for upcoming events at their stores in Winnipeg, …

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A new review of Lost in Translation…

…by Kent Pollard is up at the McNally-Robinson Booksellers site. Here’s the central paragraph: Strong characters and well designed aliens serve to make (Edward Willett’s) first adult novel a success. The S’sinn of Lost in Translation are believable and comprehensible, while providing a welcome change from humans in monster suits. The characters are focussed and …

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