Lee Arthur Chane

Author's posts

Two, two, two writers in one!

So now I’m writing two books at once: my DAW fantasy, Magebane, as Lee Arthur Chane, and a YA fantasy, tentatively titled Blue Fire, as, presumably, Edward Willett. The former, of course, is contracted; the latter is not, but there is an editor who has expressed a strong interest in it, but can’t commit based on …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

Mother Northwind sat in a rocking chair by the cheerily blazing fire, a sky-blue shawl drawn around her shoulders and a bright red scarf covering most of her gray curls. Words today: 1,204 Total thus far: 19,990 Had less than an hour to write today, while awaiting my wife at Second Cup in the Cornwall …

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The first sentence I wrote yesterday…

Brenna looked at the sleeping youth, pitying him. Total thus far: 18,786 Words yesterday: 2,514 Not sure I’ll add much to the total today–other things that need doing–but yesterday, as you can see, I had a good session. I just spoke to my agent this morning. There’s an editor interested in one of my–er, that …

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The first (OK, actually the first TWO) sentence(s) I wrote today…

“He will be able to answer questions,” the Healer said. “Whether he will answer them is beyond my control.” Words today: 1,440 Total thus far: 16,272 A bit of an annoyance today: I’ve been writing with my Freedom Universal Keyboard 2 (a fold-up Bluetooth keyboard) on my new Blackberry Storm. All well and good, but …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

After several minutes of cleansing her mouth and hair with snow, she regained her composure enough go back under the blue canopy and look up at the surviving passenger of the…flying device. Words today: 3,594 Total words: 14,854 A mixture of brand-new and once-rewritten material today. I spent several hours at it, aided by the …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

Brenna peered out into the snow-filled courtyard as best she could through the thick winding vines of frost-drawn ice covering her bedroom window. Words today: 3,859 Total words: 11,238 I had two good writing sessions today, although the rather high word count is a bit misleading: much of today’s “writing” was little more than retyping …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

Lord Falk schooled his face into a steely, expressionless mask as he strode away from Prince Karl’s chambers. Words today: 2,116 Total words: 7,379 All fresh stuff today; in my first attempt at writing this story I didn’t introduce Lord Falk (don’t get too attached to these names, they may well change) as a viewpoint …

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The first sentence I wrote today…

The moment the door closed behind Lord Falk, Tagaza, with a huge sigh of relief, tugged a cloth-of-gold kerchief from his puffy blue sleeve and mopped his tattooed pate with it. Words today: 2,670 Total words: 5,263 Much of what I’m working on now already exists in a previous draft when I was casting this …

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The first sentence I wrote today

Two hours later, clothed–indeed, swathed in towels as if he were a baby just taken from its bath–Karl sat in the sitting room of his chambers in the Palace, sipping a strong, sweet yellow cordial. Words today: 1,512 Total words:  2, 592

The first sentence I wrote today…

Not three good strides from where Prince Karl lolled all-but-naked on the soft green grass, a blizzard raged. Words today: 988 Words to date: 1,081 Short session today, what with other errands and my science column. The word count should be higher tomorrow, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, as my mother used to …

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A new novel is begun! I’m now Lee Arthur Chane, and the first sentence I wrote today…

…of my new fantasy novel Magebane, to be published by DAW Books, is: Within a bubble of ice half-buried in muck at the bottom of the lake, curled like a chick in its egg, the assassin waited for her prey. Normally that’s all I’d post. But, hey, I’m feeling generous, and excited to be starting a …

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